Friday, October 23, 2009

Le Cordon Bleu - Lesson 5

Second Day at Le Cordon Bleu with Pissaladiere and Rice Conde (Rice pudding) on the Menu.
After a weird morning theory class, which I'm still not entirely sure about today's subject, we were dished out a group assignment and separated into groups of 5.  3 of of our 5 don't speak very good english, so i reckon it's going to be a bit of a challenge.

During our morning demo Chef demonstrated both dishes with grace and ease, making both look extremely simple.  However, the Koreans were not keen on the mixing sugar and rice and it was the first tasting dish set out in front of our class that was not spontaneously gobbled up.  Even Chef commented on this.  Chef also had a field day on the guy in the first row who kept nodding off.

Into the practical and it was blaringly obvious, that besides 'Italian' and myself, not one of our other class mates had ever used yeast before (or payed attention during the demonstration) and most of them produced hard biscuits instead of the sponge we were aiming for.  I proudly got a 'very good' from chef for my assessment.
However, my rice skills are not that great, and my rice pudding was a bit stodgy!  oops.

It was a great, exhilarating day!  I loved it!  Oh, i also found out that I can expect to earn aprox $14.95 per hour (before tax), LOL, I'll have a tough time explaining that to my accountant :) (who i can no longer afford)

ps - yesterday i bought a proper toolbox, moved over my stunning Wusthof knives, and stocked it full with a few stolen things from my kitchen making today much easier that yesterday.  Things like scales, little bowl, measuring cups and spoons all made my day almost a breeze.

Top left:  Pissaladeirre, top right, class tasting pissa
Bottom left:  Chef putting the final touches on pissa before it goes into the oven.  Bottom right:  3 single serving of rice pudding.

Above:  pissa, breads and rolls and other ingredients off viewing tv in demo room.

Above:  bread and rolls

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