Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Cooking School is born (or almost anyways)

I have a name (well 95% sure I reckon) - thank you for those who helped with suggestions.  Any more cooking school inspirational ideas, send them our way....so far, we have....

"Now you're cooking!"

So, we've put up a competition for a logo on 99 designs AND we have our first 6 entries!!!  So please check them out and leave me some feedback.

I like no.2 and no.4. :)  I'm going for cute, funky, trendy and fun! 



  1. I like the 2 by "alyle13" best - but think that you could get better ones... :o)

  2. Oooo there's more up today! I like #4, #13 and #15 so far. You should write some comments for them at the bottom of the page, you'll get more designs :)
