Thursday, October 8, 2009

Night at the Opera - Sat 3 Oct

Saturday night and Ryan and I cleaned ourselves up and headed off to 'The Mikado' at Sydney Opera House.
Excitedly, this was our second Gilbert and Sullivan opera at the Sydney Opera House, the first being The Gondoliers, which we watched with Aunty Odile and Johan, while visiting last year.
The production was vibrant, fun, busy and witty (some of the scenes have been modernised), everything you need to keep you entertained and engaged, unlike the tooth pulling experience of watching Tosca, in London, a few years ago. I'm more of a dancing, singing kinda girl!
We splurged out to get really great seats, but sadly, the only others patrons able to pay for these were generally over 80 and had a problem holding in their bowels after the ice cream consumed during the interval. There was one exception of the family (as this is a 'family friendly opera) behind us with the father who had a very bad case of the giggles.

Its worth mentioning that I have never seen anyone better cast than for the role of the executioner. Check out the evil grin on this guy!

Another great evening, especially with Ryan and I luckily making it home before Sydney opened her heavily laden heavens of lightening and thunder storm number 3 in a week!

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