Saturday, October 10, 2009

Poached Duck Eggs and Gradvalax Salmon

Goooood Moooooorrrnninggggg,

There is nothing like a good hearty breakfast to get you going and this morning I just couldn't resist the great ol' Salmon and Eggs for Breakfast, of course it helps that I happened to have ripe avo's, home-made salmon gradvalax, home made mayonnaise and free range Duck eggs in my fridge to get me started...

This entry is designed to make you hungry, so I hope it works! After reading this, I hope you get to eat something yummy!

here are my steps on how to make perfect poached eggs and a Delicious breaky :)

Enjoy! xx

Step 1: Oil and cling film a little bowl

Step 2: Gently crack your egg into your little nest of oiled cling film.

Step 3: Lift your cling film out of the bowl and close at the top

Step 4: Seal cling film ball, removing as much air as possible, start to twist top shut

Step 5: tie a knot in the cling film, as close as possible to the egg

Step 6: Repeat process for the number of eggs you want to poach and keep them to one side

Step 7: Start the preparation of the rest of your awesome breakfast....peel and slice avo

... finish slicing avo ...

Step 8: toast the Sour dough

Step 9: Add layer of cream cheese

Step 10: Layer avo on top of cream cheese (I am keeping one piece of toast bare to dunk into egg yolk)

Step 11: Prepare Gradvalax, remove excess salt, sugar, dill, pepper and thinly slice (feel free to use smoked salmon instead)

Step 12: Layer salmon onto avo

Step 13: Layer on homemade mayo and rinsed capers

Step 14: In the meantime, get a pot of water on the boil. Once your toast is prepared and ready to go, carefully place your eggs into the boiling water. Boil for 4 minutes for cooked whites and running yolks. Remove from the water using a slotted spoon and test the feeling of the egg with your fingers. If it feels too runny, return to the water. If it feels perfect, remove from water.

Step 15: Gently snip the cling film and unwrap your egg.

Step 16: Completely remove all cling film

Step 17:Place steaming hot poached eggs on top of mayo

Step 18: Finish with a sprinkle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and freshly ground black pepper

Step 20: Get ready...

Step 21: Enjoy each soft bite

Step 22: Lick your plate

"I love it when a meal comes together!"

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