Thursday, October 22, 2009

Le Cordon Bleu - Lesson 4

Today was my first day at Le Cordon Bleu, Sydney.  I joined 1 week late and it was the most fun I have had since possible pre-primary school!
After the 2.5 hours theory on hygiene and stock receiving and keeping, I enjoyed my very first demonstration where Chef John, make Thai style King prawn salad and Quiche lorraine.  The taste test proved yummy and then off we all set to complete our imitations of his masterwork.  About 4 hours later, some of the quiche Loraine's in our class looked more like scrambled eggs, but then to be fair many of my class mates have NEVER before seen a quiche before.   Mine (proudly stated), was the most cooked in the class and was used as the demo, as in a good demo, after the class.
My salad was great, except I kind of cheated because I left out the papaya and then when realising I just stuck a few pieces in without redo-ing it, but i had already plated 3 times as my salad stack kept toppling over.
Anyway, fabulous day, and of course Ryan and I enjoyed King prawn salad and quiche lorraine for dinner.

My quiche is the one on the left, isn't it pretty ? :)

Day's schedule.

New class schedule.

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