Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tomorrow I start Le Cordon Bleu Basic Cuisine

For those of you 'in the know' of the rollercoast week I've had, today I am a little sad, but mostly relieved and extremely happy to announce that I tomorrow I start at Le Cordon Bleu!  Only one week late, but still starting!!!!!  A big thanks to Le Cordon Bleu being so patient and flexible and I'm so excited about my big day.  Tonight I will be ironing my uniform, packing my lunch and setting the route in the GPS (or yes, I know that because i've been so many times already!).  

And maybe, there is a chance that I will find my missing milk bottle that I left behind yesterday ;)

So, no picture for this blog entry, but there is a big smile for all the fun things in line for the coming months, Le Cordon Bleu, spending time with my fantastic supportive Hubbie, seeing  my wonderful sister and niece in December, trying to convince Sean and Terry to move to Aussie during their visit in Dec, my birthday!, SUMMER, Christmas (of course), Camping with friends, Jamboree with Guides, my business etc.  Isn't it awesome?!

ps - yes, work, i still want to quit!  But thanks for asking all the same!
pps - why are all BMW drivers bonkers and think they're above anyone else. okay, i lied, i'll put up a photo of a two BMW drivers to cheap to pay the $6 flat parking fee after the comedy show on Saturday night and who we all had to wait for while the they tried to stick their credit cards in the ticket box on exiting of the parking lot.  (pictures will be coming shortly)

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