Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Weight watchers Day 1

Day 1 of the diet is under foot and to be successful in dieting you need to be prepared. So to get off to a good start (and because Ryan woke up at 4.45am to catch a flight to Hobart) I got up nice and early and prepared a beautiful, delicious and low point weight watcher lunch for today. 

Actually last night when I made a salad for dinner, I put some aside for today (keep your salad crispy by only putting the dressing on before you eat it). The chicken was also a left over portion from our roast chicken last night, so this morning I just needed to wash the strawberries and sort out my breakfast.


My toast for breakfast works out to 2 pts to every 1.5 slices in the loaf (some are bigger than others) and 1/2 tsp of jam is only 0.5 points (very thinly spread).
I had 1/2 a mango left in the fridge, which when cut, cleaned and weighed up was 140g (1pt), so I'll throw that into my breakfast. A great big glass of water and a handful of vitamins. As I've started running and exercising again, I'm back on the fish oil (for joints and 2 capsules is 1/2 pt), magnesium & calcium (for bones) and big ugly multi-vitamins (for general health).
Total breakfast 4.5 pts.


Today's lunch menu includes a salad of iceberg lettuce, green & red capsicum, tomato, red onion, lebanese cucumber (all free in points), 1 TBS avo (1 pt) and 140g of roast chicken (2 pts). I added a dressing of a splash of fish sauce and balsamic vinegar and a generous pinch of salt and a shake of pepper (free). For a snack, I have a punnet of strawberries (0.5 ww points). Total Lunch = 3.5 pts.

Ode to Strawberries

Strawberries are the dieter dream in summer. They are refreshing, sweet, delicious and ONLY 0.5 ww points for a WHOLE punnet! Yes! Which means you really can go crazy with them.

Also they are so versatile, why not try a strawberry smoothie with a small nestle diet yoghurt (0.5 pts), ice and a handful of strawberries. (1 pt)

Or make a delicious desert by making sugar free jelly with only 1/2 the amount of water and replacing the other half with a yoghurt (1/2 pt) and chopped up strawberries. You can have a huge bowl and it won't cost you more than 1 point.

And then finally (and this is one of my favourites) slice a few strawberries into a jug of water. Chill the water in the fridge and by the time its cold, the water is infused with the beautiful flavour and sweetness of the fruit. You can keep topping it up for a few days with the same strawberries. You can also do this with orange, lemon, grapefruit rinds.

Be careful when buying strawberries as they love to sell you fresh strawberries on the top of the punnet and mouldy soft ones on the bottom, so be sure to open your punnet and inspect all the strawberries before committing them to your trolley.


Lauren and I went for a great morning jog past the bridge and around Kirribilli.  The Jacarandas are in full bloom and its just beautiful.

Today is forecast at a Random 35 degrees and already it is HOT!  So, if you're reading this before setting off to work (on this fine Melbourne cup day) than wear something cool and take a water bottle as you're going to need it.

Here are some photos I took on my way to work yesterday of the stunning Jacarandas.


At 7pm, it was still 35.2 degrees!  It reached 38 degrees in the city during the day.  After work I went for a quick swim down at the pool, the water was so warm it wasn't really refreshing, but still cooler than just sitting in normal air.

I finished the day off with a cool tuna and avo salad and an organic steamed zucchini on the side.  I successfully stayed away from wine and chocolate.  Yay me!   So one day down, only another 28 more to go!

(This photo was taken from the pool looking, onto Sydney Harbour)

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